TAVEC Week 2023
Hochschule Fresenius‘ International Business School in Cologne/Germany and Adelphi University’s Robert B. Willumstad School of Business in New York/USA are proud to present the collaboration results of our second TAVEC Project Week live in our third Trans-Atlantic Student Conference on October 30th, 2023.
Thank you very much for participating!
Our Conference Winners
Group 1 “Avengers 2.0”
Mujjabiian Sebbowa, Olinda Braganza, Abinaya Jeyakumar, Avacia Rogers, The Lam Hoang
Group 2 “Passport Passengers”
Alex Rosa, Diego Morales, Linda Robles, Darya Jalil Sales, Isabella Vellez-Hill
Congratulations to all winning students!
Selection Committee / Panel of Judges
TAVEC Week and Conference Agenda
All times shown are US Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)/ Central European Time (CET). Times are subject to change at short notice.
1-2:30pm (NY) / 7-8:30pm (CGN):
- Introduction of TAVEC Team
- Agenda of TAVEC Week
- Announcement of Student Groups
- Get to know your Team
- Introduction to Miro Board
- Introduction of the TAVEC Week Project Task
- Q&A / Group Discussion
9am-12pm (NY) / 3-6pm (CGN):
- Welcome
- Agenda of the Week
- Keynote: Introduction to DHL
- Group Work – Research
- Social Activity: Quiz
9am-12pm (NY) / 3-6pm (CGN):
- Agenda of the Day
- Keynote: Employee Well-being & Retention (TBC)
- Group Work
- Social Activity: Game
9am-12pm (NY) / 3-6pm (CGN):
- Agenda of the Day
- Workshop: Mastering Presentations as Virtual Teams (Matthias Nelke – Hochschule Fresenius)
- Group Work
9am-12pm (NY) / 3-6pm (CGN):
- Q&A
- Group Work
- Social Activity: Quiz
9am-1pm (NY) / 2-6pm (CGN):
- Trans-Atlantic Student Conference (TASC): Student groups present their final results in front of an external panel of judges of business experts from Germany and the US.
TAVEC Week – Procedure & Goals: What? Who? When? How?
- Collaborate virtually on a corporate communications campaign for DHL Supply Chain with students from Adelphi University New York/Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Cologne (Germany)!
- Present your group project at the virtual trans-atlantic student conference!
- Receive certificates, brush up your presentation skills, attend workshops, work with business professionals!
- The best project groups will win a travel stipend (flight & hotel for 5 days) to visit Adelphi University in New York/Hochschule Fresenius in Cologne!
Are you
- currently enrolled as a Bachelor‘s or Master‘s student of Hochschule Fresenius’ International Business School or Adelphi University’s Robert B. Willumstad School of Business?
- available for the whole duration of the TAVEC Week and all travel dates?
- not a former TAVEC Week Conference winner?
- interested in intercultural exchange and ready to shape corporate communications of the future?
- looking for a networking opportunity with international students and global companies like DHL?
Then the TAVEC Week and TAVEC Travel Stipend is for you!
You will experience a week full of virtual workshops, project work and social activities and have the unique opportunity to present your innovative communications campaign in front of an external panel of judges of business experts. As a conference winner you will travel to New York/Cologne together with fellow students and faculty members from your university to visit your American/German group members! You will experience intercultural exchange on-site and explore New York City and the great city of Cologne!
Save one of the 40 spots & join our TAVEC Week 2023!
Virtual Project Week:
October 11, 2023 Kick-Off
October 18-23, 2023 Project Week
October 30, 2023 Virtual Student Conference
Travel Dates for Conference Winners:
Adelphi University in Cologne: March 18-22, 2024
Hochschule Fresenius in New York: April 29 – May 3, 2024
Application Deadline: September 29, 2023
Announcement of TAVEC Week Participants: Week of October 2, 2023
Fill in the online application form here and send a short application video to project.tavec@gmail.com
Submission of the video is also possible via Google Drive, WeTransfer etc. Please send the links to project.tavec@gmail.com
Application video:
- Duration: Max. 2 minutes
- File format: MP4
- Answer the following questions on your motivation to apply:
- Who are you?
- What makes you the perfect student ambassador? How can you contribute to the project idea?
- Why do you want to participate in the TAVEC Week? What are your expectations?
- Why should you receive a travel stipend? How would it enrich you?
- Creativity is welcome!
Organizing Committee
Spread the Word!
The TAVEC project is also present on many social media channels and we invite you to join our trans-atlantic exchange and discover more about the project and the people involved. We have prepared a quick overview with some additional information for our participants and audience.